さて、今日はサンフランシスコ・ベイエリアの都市計画に関するNPO法人SPUR(San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association)が昨年出していた、ベイエリアの将来シナリオについての資料を紹介します。
「Four FutureScenariosfor theSan FranciscoBay Area」と題されたこの資料では、Critical UncertaintiesとしてEconomy, Housing, Transportation, Physical Formの問題を挙げ、External ForcesとしてClimate Change, Earth Quakes,そして The Federal Governmentを挙げています。「地球温暖化」や「地震」と並列で「連邦政府」が挙げられているのに思わず笑ってしまいましたが、それだけ連邦政府の動向がインパクトを与えるということでしょう。
”Our region today has so much going for it: A diverse and open culture that embraces many kinds of innovation. A highly educated population. A network of walkable urban neighborhoods and fine old buildings. Beautiful natural scenery and iconic landmarks that make it famous around the world. And, of course, a powerful economic engine that generates new ideas, new companies and new jobs with seemingly limitless potential.
But the tremendous success of the Bay Area economy has had unintended consequences. We have not grown the region’s physical form — especially housing stock and transportation capacity — at the same pace we have grown our economy. High housing costs are pushing people to the edges of the region and commutes are becoming untenable. Homelessness is overwhelming public life and services. If left unaddressed, these forces could take the region down a path of extreme inequality and, eventually, economic decline.
It’s not too late to correct course, but doing so requires us to think deeply about how we got here — the decisions, chains of events and values that led to our current situation. By exploring several possible futures, we can better understand the outcomes of the decisions we make today and use that foresight to shape a better tomorrow for all of us who call the region home."
さて、今日はサンフランシスコ・ベイエリアの都市計画に関するNPO法人SPUR(San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association)が昨年出していた、ベイエリアの将来シナリオについての資料を紹介します。
「Four FutureScenariosfor theSan FranciscoBay Area」と題されたこの資料では、Critical UncertaintiesとしてEconomy, Housing, Transportation, Physical Formの問題を挙げ、External ForcesとしてClimate Change, Earth Quakes,そして The Federal Governmentを挙げています。「地球温暖化」や「地震」と並列で「連邦政府」が挙げられているのに思わず笑ってしまいましたが、それだけ連邦政府の動向がインパクトを与えるということでしょう。
”Our region today has so much going for it: A diverse and open culture that embraces many kinds of innovation. A highly educated population. A network of walkable urban neighborhoods and fine old buildings. Beautiful natural scenery and iconic landmarks that make it famous around the world. And, of course, a powerful economic engine that generates new ideas, new companies and new jobs with seemingly limitless potential.
But the tremendous success of the Bay Area economy has had unintended consequences. We have not grown the region’s physical form — especially housing stock and transportation capacity — at the same pace we have grown our economy. High housing costs are pushing people to the edges of the region and commutes are becoming untenable. Homelessness is overwhelming public life and services. If left unaddressed, these forces could take the region down a path of extreme inequality and, eventually, economic decline.
It’s not too late to correct course, but doing so requires us to think deeply about how we got here — the decisions, chains of events and values that led to our current situation. By exploring several possible futures, we can better understand the outcomes of the decisions we make today and use that foresight to shape a better tomorrow for all of us who call the region home."